Learn how to update your Film details, add Cast & Crew, change your fees, and more.
To manage your Film, choose the Films tab from your Overview.
Next, select the Manage button for the Film you want to edit.
From your Film Dashboard, you can manage different sections of your Film:
2. Film Page
3. Film Fees
10. Awards, Laurels, & Reviews
11. Products
12. Widgets
1. Film Overview
View your film data, including total screenings, upcoming screenings, ticket sales, and gross income.
2. Film Page
View and edit the main sections of your Film page, including either a looping background trailer or still hero image.
- Set all your basic Film details
- Film title
- Film Content Rating
- Genre
- Year of Release
- Country of Origin
- Languages
- Add a trailer URL - You can use any public URL for the trailer, and it will be viewable through a "Watch Trailer" button on your Film Page. Your trailer will also play in a loop in the upper section of your Film page(s), by default.
If you prefer, in the Add photos section you can add a photo and set this still image as the background hero image for your Film page, instead of a looping trailer. - Add a poster image - Use the highest resolution image possible in a 2:3 aspect ratio - it's recommended to use an image no smaller than 600 x 800 pixels.
- Add photos - Add stills from your Film and toggle on a still background hero image for your Film page. Simply toggle on the selector under your photo of choice to set it as your background image, instead of the looping trailer.
- Synopsis - Provide a description of your Film that will motivate Event organizers to book a screening.
- Running Time (minutes) - Include the length of your Film in minutes.
3. Film Fees
Choose from various fee structures for your Film, depending on whether it's a virtual or in-person screening and a free or paid event.
In-person paid screenings
Choose from the following:
- Fixed fee - You get the same payout for every screening.
- Share of Ticket Sales - Set how much you want to earn as a percentage of ticket revenue.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option ensures you'll make a minimum amount on a screening.
- Per person - You can also charge per person for screenings.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option lets you earn a minimum on a screening.
In-person free screenings
Choose from the following:
- Fixed fee - You get the same payout for every screening.
- Per person - You can also charge per person for screenings.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option ensures you'll earn a minimum on a screening.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option ensures you'll earn a minimum on a screening.
Virtual paid screenings
Choose from the following:
- Fixed fee - You get the same payout for every screening.
- Share of Ticket Sales - Set how much you want to earn as a percentage of ticket revenue.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option ensures you'll make a minimum on a screening.
- Per person - You can also charge per person for screenings.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option ensures you'll earn a minimum on a screening.
Virtual free screenings
Choose from the following:
- Fixed fee - You get the same payout for every screening.
- Per person - You can also charge per person for screenings.
- Minimum Guarantee - This option ensures you'll earn a minimum on a screening.
4. Streaming Settings
Choose a streaming format. Whether you prefer simple playback or interactive features and TV app exposure, Gathr supports multiple streaming options to fit your needs.
Choose between these two streaming formats:
Vimeo Video Link - Basic Playback
Simple playback experience
Supports Video on Demand (VOD)
HLS Link - Q&A Enabled + TV Apps (Recommended)
- Integrated Film playback + live introduction or Q&A
Supports Video on Demand (VOD)
Enhanced audience interaction through Zoom
Gathr TV app playback enabled
You must input either a Vimeo Video link or an HLS link for your Film to add your Film to Gathr.
Vimeo Video Link
For Vimeo, input your Vimeo link by copying it from your Vimeo dashboard, after configuring the video to "Hide from Vimeo" and adding "Gathr.com" as an approved embeddable domain.
There are two crucial Vimeo settings you must set manually in Vimeo in Privacy Settings.
- Set to "Hide from Vimeo"
- Add Gathr.com as an approved domain where your video can be embedded.
If you don't update these two, your embedded video will not display correctly.
HLS Link (HTTP Live Streaming) - required for virtual screenings with Zoom
Utilize this feature to integrate any HLS URL from your preferred streaming video platform. With this setting, your HLS URL will be used for all virtual viewings of your Film on Gathr.
You can provide a Vimeo "HLS Link," a Bunny.net "HLS Playlist URL," or any compatible HLS URL.
If enabled, the specified URL will always be used for virtual screenings, Video on Demand playback, and GATHR TV app playback.
Different video hosting platforms have different names for this URL. Some different naming conventions include:
- "HLS playlist URL"
- "HLS link"
- "Live stream link"
Learn more about HLS URLs on these video-hosting platforms:
Note: Theatrical film assets will always be delivered in DCP format.
5. Film Settings
Customize how, when, and where your Film can get booked, enable screening requests, and share your Film's promotional assets with Hosts who screen your Film.
Instant Book
Next, toggle the "Instant Book" setting. This convenient feature allows your Film to be booked instantly since you've already set your pre-approved fee. This speeds up the screening booking process and encourages more frequent bookings.
With Instant Book turned on, you'll receive a notification that your Film has been booked for a screening, whereas if you leave Instant Book turned off, you will receive a screening inquiry to your Gathr Inbox, which you can approve manually or message the event organizer to clarify screening details before moving forward.
Shareable Marketing Assets
Empower Hosts who have booked your Film for their Screening Events with your Film's trailer, poster image, and any other downloadable assets to help jumpstart their marketing efforts.
To do so, add any useful files into a shareable URL, such as Dropbox or Google Drive, and paste that URL here.
Only Screening Hosts who have a confirmed booking of your Film can see this URL.
Geographical Restrictions
If you would like to limit your screening availability geographically, you can do so with the geographical restrictions setting. Toggle to allow only certain countries you choose or all countries except the ones you choose.
Availability Window
Another customization is your Film's availability window to specific dates and times by entering the exact start and end dates and times. Alternatively, you can remove all date restrictions, as well.
Screening Requests
What kind of screenings can your Film get booked into? Choose to allow Theatrical Screening Requests, Non-Theatrical Screening Requests, or allow both.
Enabling both options opens you up for not only theatrical screenings in traditional cinemas, but also to community screening gatherings in diverse event spaces.
Film Format
The last step is to select Digital as your Film format.
6. Film Privacy Settings
Set your Film to public or private.
- Public - Visible on Gathr, discoverable via search engine.
- Private - Not visible on Gathr or discoverable.
7. Invite Cast & Crew
Invite cast & crew to join Gathr, so they appear as featured Talent on your Film page.
If your Film's contributors have been auto-filled, you can select the Invite button to send them an invitation to Gathr directly by providing their email address.
You can also enter contributors manually, selecting the relevant role and entering a name for each one.
While you are not required to invite contributors to join Gathr, it is recommended so that your Film page will showcase their profile photo and a link to their profile, facilitating more frequent bookings for them.
You must enter at least three contributors to continue.
8. Pay It Forward
Activate a community of giving around your Film to help support greater viewership among those who may not have the means to pay to watch.
Pay It Forward Ticketing enables you to set up a fund for your Film into which your community can make contributions, helping others in the community around your Film.
You can customize how your community can then claim a Pay It Forward ticket - select any or all of the following options:
- Theatrical Screenings
- Non-Theatrical Screenings
- Video on Demand
For example, if you are doing a limited theatrical run, and you want to maximize attendance, you could enable only Theatrical Screenings. Conversely, if you're shooting for maximizing viewership, then selecting all of the options would be best - that way your community can claim a Pay It Forward ticket for all the possible ways to view your Film.
After you've personalized how your audience can claim your Pay It Forward tickets, it's time to input the following details about your Pay It Forward fund:
- Title
- Description
- Public Goal
- Activity Notifications
The Title, Description, and Public Goal for your Pay It Forward fund will appear on your Film page, VOD page, and any Screening Event pages featuring your Film.
9. Configure your Video on Demand settings
Easily enable Video on Demand (VOD) so your audience can rent your Film and set up Partner VOD so your Partners can share your Film with their communities, boosting viewership and revenue.
Video on Demand
Starting with Video on Demand, you can leverage your Film as a rental directly to your audience from your Talent profile, as a product for sale in event checkout, and inside your virtual event watch page shop.
To do so, it's as easy as toggling on Video on Demand and completing these settings:
- Price - How much will it cost to rent your VOD?
- Start date - When can your audience start renting your VOD?
- End date - When is the last date your audience can rent your VOD?
Utilize start/end dates to complement your Film's marketing efforts, theatrical screening schedule, and more.
After you save your settings, your VOD will be published.
To further customize your VOD, access the link to VOD Advanced Settings in your Film Management dashboard in the Video on Demand tab.
Alternatively, you can access your Video on Demand tab on the left sidebar menu at any time to view your Video on Demand.
Partner Video on Demand
Take full advantage of your Video on Demand by enabling others to book it and share it across their communities and boost both viewership and revenue for your Film.
VOD Distribution Fees
To start with, customize how much and in what way you want to earn money for your VOD distribution. Choose from the following possibilities:
- Fixed fee & Maximum VOD Sales Limit - Set the dollar amount partners will pay to offer your Film as a VOD. Likewise, set a maximum sales limit for your fixed fee - this is required for fixed fees.
- For example, set your Fixed fee to $250 and set your Maximum VOD sales limit to 100 sales.
- Your partner pays $250 upfront to offer your Film as a VOD, and after they sell 100 rentals, they must rebook your Film to continue offering it as a VOD.
- % Share of VOD Sales & Minimum Payout per Transaction - Earn a percentage of each rental sale of your VOD. If you'd like to earn a minimum dollar amount per transaction, you can elect to also set your minimum payout per transaction.
- For example, you set a 25% share of VOD sales fee.
- Your affiliate pays nothing upfront to offer your Film as a VOD, and with every sale they make, you will earn a 25% share of each sale.
- In another example, you could set a 50% share of VOD sales fee with a $5 minimum payout per transaction.
- Your affiliate pays nothing upfront to offer your Film as a VOD, and with every sale they make, you will earn a 50% share of each sale, and a minimum of $5.
- Per Sale - Set how much you want to earn per transaction.
- For example, you can set $10 per transaction fee.
- Your partner pays nothing upfront to offer your Film as a VOD, and with every sale they make, you will earn $10.
Availability Window
You can elect to limit your VOD viewing window by setting a start date and end date, or you can remove date restrictions.
For example, if you'd like to maximize theatrical screening attendance, it might be a good idea to set your start date for after your theatrical screenings end.
Likewise, you can set the timing to coincide with marketing efforts for your Film.
Video on Demand Booking Options
Streamline your bookings by enabling Instant Booking for your Film so all inquiries will be automatically confirmed according to your pre-set parameters.
Video on Demand Pricing & Access
Set specific pricing controls for your FIlm as a VOD.
- Minimum Price - Set a floor price below which your partners cannot price your VOD.
- Maximum Price - Set a maximum price that limits how high partners can price your VOD.
- Allow VOD to be offered for free - Toggle this setting on to allow your partners to offer your VOD for free.
You can set minimum price, maximum price, and allow VOD to be offered for free simultaneously.
By doing so, you allow an partner to do all of the following:
- Set a price no lower than your minimum price.
- Set a price no higher than your maximum price.
- Set the VOD price at $0.
In other words, if an partner sets a price, it cannot be lower than your minimum price, nor can it be higher than your maximum price, and it can be $0.
- Allow pre-orders - Allow your partners to activate pre-orders so they can capture sales even before the sales start date. Gathr automatically notifies pre-order purchasers when the VOD is available for viewing.
- Rental Period - How long do viewers have to watch your Film when they purchase it as a VOD? Your partners won't be able to exceed your rental period after they've booked your Film as a VOD.
- Rental Duration - Once viewers start watching, how many hours do they have to finish your Film? Your partners won't be able to exceed your rental duration after they've booked your Film as a VOD.
- Allow Indefinite Access - Remove any limits for renters to view your Film.
Geographical Restrictions
Choose from allowing all regions to rent your Film, only allowing certain countries, and blocking certain countries.
- No geographic restrictions - Renters from all countries in the world can rent and view your Filim.
- Only allow certain geographic regions - Choose the countries from which renters can view your Film.
- Allow all except certain geographic regions - Block certain countries' viewers from viewing your Film.
10. Add Awards, Laurels, & Reviews
Showcase the awards your Film has received by adding laurels for each one. You can add your placement, such as "Winner," festival name, like "Toronto Film Festival," and the year of the festival.
Add up to 15 awards your Film has received, and they'll display on your Film and Video on Demand pages (including Partner Videos on Demand).
11. Products
Add physical and digital products to your Film, so viewers of your Film will have the chance to purchase your products during Event checkout and while watching your Film on the virtual watch page.
When you add products to your Film, your products will automatically display in ticket checkout for any Partner VOD bookings and Film Screenings for which your Film has been booked.
Learn more about how to add a digital product.
Screening Hosts and VOD Partners can choose to disable your product sales for their VODs/Screening Events.
12. Widgets
Embed widgets onto external websites.
Choose from these two widgets:
- Book Screening Widget - Embed a widget onto your personal or business website, and make it even easier for visitors to your site to watch the trailer, check your prices, and book screenings.
- Screening Map Widget - Embed a map widget onto your personal or business website, so visitors can see if there are live screenings near their location or anywhere in the world.