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Theatrical On Demand
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Events On Demand™
Theatrical On Demand
How to Host a Theatrical on Demand® Film Screening
Why Theatrical On Demand®?
How Theatrical on Demand® works for Film Owners, Venues, and Featured Talent
Is the platform interested in foreign language films with subtitles?
How do you fulfill merchandise sales for films and how does the filmmaker get paid?
Can anyone get their film on your platform or is there a vetting system in place where you need to get approved?
What can I pitch a sponsor(s) as reciprocal activations for supporting my film’s virtual cinema event?
Is it affordable to have filmmakers do their own virtual event cinema release or does this have to be through a festival or distribution company?
I have a short film(s) . Can I partner with a full length feature and share a showing? Or pair with other shorts?
How does the payback to filmmakers/event organizers work? What is the payment cycle?
How customized can the event be?
Describe Gathr’s communication with attendees/viewers once my virtual cinema event is live.
What devices is Gathr At Home™ supported on?
How does the Q&A work and what are the logistics?
How does the 501(c)(3) work with donations?
Would this qualify as a digital release for Academy Awards® given new regulations?
How would you set up a sponsored event, i.e. the event is paid for up front and audiences can sign up and watch for for free?
Do you have plans for not for profits who do not charge the audience for their screenings?
How does the payment program work?
What is a realistic timeline from sign up to event date?
Would it be possible to use this platform for a virtual impact screening and restrict the audience to a specific group only?
What mechanisms are you using to make a screening more secure? How does your platform deal with piracy or VPNs when content is geo-blocked etc?
Is Gathr At Home™ restricted to just the USA?
How would you approach a combination of an online and live event, held simultaneously?
Does the Gathr platform have a way to include an option for audio description, captions, and subtitles in multiple languages?