How do I Embed a Vimeo Trailer or Film?

To securely embed your Vimeo film/trailer, follow these steps.

Follow the instructions below to add a Vimeo video to Gathr so it's viewable during your Event, but hidden on Vimeo :

  • Upload your Film or trailer to Vimeo.
  • In the upper right corner of your video dashboard select the Share button. 

Share down arrow-1

  • Under Link Privacy, set to "Hide from Vimeo."

    Hide From Vimeo
  • Next, select the "Embed" tab, and set "" as an allowed embeddable domain.

Allowed Domains

  • After you get your Privacy Settings configured, you can add your Vimeo Player settings. 
    Find the "Player" tab in the upper left-hand corner.
    We recommend you enable the following settings only:
    • Chromecast
    • AirPlay
    • Fullscreen

Player Settings

Don't forget to save your selected Player settings. 

  • Finally, select "Copy Link" from the Share button in the top right, and paste this link into your Film or trailer field on your Gathr Film Management dashboard. 

Copy Link