How to Create and Manage a Video on Demand

Explore the potential of VOD for generating passive income.

Watch this quick video and find out how to create and manage your Video on Demand:

1. Access your Video On Demand

Go to your Dashboard and click on Video On Demand in the left corner. Then, select the Add a Video On Demand button.

If you've already created your Video On Demand from a previous Event, select it from the list in the Video On Demand tab, and choose "Edit" in the Actions drop-down menu. 

2. Provide General Info

Provide General Info-1

  • VOD Title: Enter a brief title for your VOD.
  • Add Poster: Upload an eye-catching poster image.
  • Video URL: Paste a Vimeo or YouTube URL (custom or unlisted Vimeo URLs are not supported). Ensure you've secured the necessary rights and permissions.
    For Vimeo videos, be sure to set the privacy setting in Vimeo to "Hide from Vimeo." Custom Vimeo URLs are not supported. 

Adjust your Vimeo Settings

From your Vimeo account, select the video you want to use.

Starting with Privacy Settings, choose from Hide from Vimeo or Public

Additionally, you must enter "" as an approved domain. 

VOD Privacy Settings-1

Next, select the Player tab to set up how your viewers will experience your video from Gathr's virtual watch page. 

These are Gathr's recommended settings:

  • Customization, Video Details, and Actions - disable all options here. 
  • Play Button  - Auto
  • Controls
    • Playbar - enabled
    • Volume - enabled
    • CC/Subtitles - enabled
    • Transcript - disabled
    • Speed - enabled
    • Chromecast - enabled
    • AirPlay - enabled
    • Picture-in-picture - enabled
    • Fullscreen - enabled
    • Vimeo logo - disabled

Don't forget to save your selection. 

Finally, be sure you copy the link - look for the link symbol button in the upper right and select this (this is the Event Recording URL). 


  • Description: Write a short description for your VOD.
  • Add an Optional Note: Include any optional notes, such as a thank-you message or access instructions.
  • Start Date and Time: Specify the VOD's start date and time.
  • End Date and Time (Optional): If applicable, set the end date and time for your VOD.
  • Enable pre-orders: Increase your VOD revenue and build hype by enabling pre-orders for your content. This way, your community can purchase your future content from your VOD page. They'll receive a confirmation at the time of purchase, and again when your VOD is available for viewing. 

3. Set Pricing

Determine how much renters will need to pay to access your VOD


Each Video On Demand sale is charged a flat fee of 25%, capped at $25.

Free Video on Demand transactions are charged a $1 fee for every transaction.

Learn more about fees

Are you managing a Video On Demand for one of your Films?

If so, and your Film has Pay It Forward Ticketing enabled, you can also enable Pay It Foward Ticketing for your Video on Demand. 

Simply toggle on the setting and save your changes.


Learn more about Pay It Forward Ticketing

4. Configure Video Access

  • Rental Period and Rental Duration: Specify how long viewers can rent your VOD.
  • Optional:
    • Allow Indefinite Access: Enable this option for continuous access without rental restrictions.
    • Hide from Profile: Activate this to make the VOD unlisted on your profile, accessible only through a direct link.

5. Set your Advanced Settings, Add-Ons, Custom Button, and More (Optional)

Advanced Settings and More-1

  • Add-Ons (Optional): Increase your revenue by including your products and other Videos On Demand in the checkout flow for your VOD. 
  • Custom Questions (Optional): Learn new insights about your VOD purchasers, poll your community, or ask your audience what they'd like to see next with Custom Questions. Purchasers will see your questions during the checkout flow - choose from a variety of question formats and set them to optional or required. 
  • Accept Charity Donations (Optional): Drive revenue during VOD checkout and from your VOD Watch page to the listed 501(c)(3) charity of your choice by adding them at this step.
    You can set donations as required, and customize the donation amounts to suit your audience. 
  • Add Payout Method: Ensure you have a payment method configured to receive your earnings promptly.
  • Custom Button Text and URL (Optional): Add a custom button to drive traffic to the website of your choice. Provide a URL, and your viewers are redirected there when they click the button embedded on your VOD Watch page. 
  • Whitelisted Countries: Specify countries from which purchasers will be allowed.
  • Blacklisted Countries: Prevent purchasers from specified countries. Note that if a country is whitelisted, blacklisting won't apply to it.
  • Custom Pre-Roll (Optional): Add your own pre-roll video so it shows before your VOD content begins playing. 
    This allows you to add additional content with a flexible duration of your choice, akin to a mini-film ahead of the main feature.
    Provide a Vimeo URL. We support these privacy settings: Public, Unlisted, and Hide from Vimeo. Also, be sure to set as an approved domain to embed. 
    Custom URLs are not supported.
    For each VOD sale with a custom pre-roll, Gathr charges a $2.50 fee.

    For each free VOD transaction, Gathr charges a $1 fee. 

  • Payment Method: Add a payment method to cover the platform usage fee, in case you are offering your VOD for free. 
    If you are charging for your VOD, there's no need to add a Payment Method here - the fee will be deducted from the purchase total. 

Public URL: After saving your settings, you can copy this URL. Use it to preview how your rental VOD will appear and start generating passive income. Share it with potential renters who want to access your video content.

That's it! You can start maximizing your reach and revenue with your  Video On Demand. If you have past Events on Gathr, you can also convert them to VOD. Click here to learn how. 


Want to know what purchasers will see from your Watch page?

When viewers enter the virtual Watch page for your Video on Demand, they can see multiple integrations, including Charities, Custom URL, and the Related tab - learn more about editing your Watch page.

The Related tab displays any other Videos on Demand on your Account that meet the following criteria:

  • Your VOD is enabled.
  • Your VOD's Privacy Setting is set to Public.
  • Viewing time and date fall within your VOD's sales dates.
  • Your VOD has a cover photo. 

VOD Watch page

If your VOD(s) does not meet those conditions, it will not appear on the Related tab.