What Are the Fees?

Understand fees for Events, whether you are hosting, performing, or attending an Event.

Are you planning to Host an Event, or have you, as a presenter/performer (Talent) or your Event space (Venue) been booked for an upcoming Event?

Or are you buying tickets to go to an Event (Attendee)?  According to your answer, there are some different fees. 


1. Event Host

2. Talent, Booking Widgets, Talent Offerings, and Venues

3. Films

4. Product, Add-On, & Rental / Video On Demand Sales, Affiliate TVOD

5. 1-to-1 Calls


   1.  Event Host

Free Events

There is a $0.10 Platform Usage Fee per RSVP. 

These fees are charged to the Event Host. 

Paid Events

For tickets priced at $17 or more, there is a Service Fee of 15%.

For tickets priced less than $17, there is a Service Fee of $2.50, capped at $5.

Additionally, after this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30.

These fees are charged to the ticket purchaser by default, or Event organizers can choose to absorb ticket Service Fees.


   2.  Talent & Venues


When a Host books you on Gathr, there is a 12% Booking Service Fee. 

For example, your Booking Fee is $1000 - this is the amount you will earn, minus the 12% Service Fee, or $120.

This fee is charged to the Talent. 

Booking Widgets

When a Host books you via a booking widget you've installed on an external website, there is a 12% Booking Service Fee. 

For example, if your same Booking Fee is $1000, and you are booked via a widget, you will earn $880 after the $120 Booking Fee is deducted. 

This fee is charged to the Talent. 

Learn more about Booking Widgets.  

Talent Offerings 

When a Host books one of your Talent Offerings, there is a 12% Booking Service Fee.

For example, if your Offering Fee is $1000, you will earn $880 after the $120 Booking Fee is deducted. 

This fee is charged to the Talent. 


When a Host books you on Gathr.com, there is a 5% Booking Service Fee. 

For example, your Venue Booking Fee is $1000 - this is the amount you will earn, minus the 5% Service Fee, or $50.00.

This fee is charged to the Venue. 


   3.  Films

Film Bookings

When your Film gets booked for a Screening Event, there is a 12% Booking Service Fee. 

For example, if your Film Fee is $1000, you will earn $880 after the $120 Booking Service Fee is deducted. 

This fee is charged to the Film Owner. 

Free Film Screenings

Gathr charges a Service Fee of $2.50 per reservation for free Film Screenings. 

These fees are charged to the Host. 

Paid Film Screenings

For tickets priced at $17 or more, there is a Service Fee of 15%.

For tickets priced less than $17, there is a Service Fee of $2.50, capped at $5.

Additionally, after this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30.

These fees are charged to the ticket purchaser. 


   4. Products, Add-Ons & Rentals / Video On Demand Sales, Affiliate TVOD

Product & Add-On Sales

Free Products & Add-Ons are free for the first 100 transactions. After the first 100 transactions, there is a Service Fee of $1 per transaction.

Paid Product & Add-On sales have a fee of 15% of the sale price, capped at $25. 

Additionally, after this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30.

These fees are charged to the Product / Add-On Owner.

Rentals / Video on Demand 

Priced Rentals / Video on Demand have a commission of 15% of the sale price, capped at $25.

Additionally, after this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30.

Free Rentals / Video on Demand there is a Service Fee of $1 per transaction.

These fees are charged to the Rental / Video on Demand Owner. 

Note - Adding a custom pre-roll to your Video On Demand incurs an additional $2.50 fee per transaction. If you add a custom pre-roll to your Video On Demand, you will incur $2.50 in fees + Stripe's 2.9% Transaction Fee + $.30.

Affiliate TVOD

For a fixed fee AffiliateTVOD booking, Gathr charges a 15% commission. 

Additionally, after this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30.

This fee is charged to the Affiliate booking the VOD/Film. 

For per-sale and % share of VOD sales, Gathr charges a 15% commission from gross VOD revenue. After this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30. 

These fees are subtracted from the gross revenue, and charged equally between the Film Owner and Affiliate. 

For example, if a Film Owner sets a 20% Share of VOD Sales fee, and an Affiliate earns $100 in gross revenue, this is the calculation:

Gross Revenue = $100

Gathr commission = $15

Transaction Fee = $3.20

Remainder = $81.80

Film Owner receives 20% of $81.80 = $16.36

Affiliate receives 80% of $81.80 = $65.44


   5. 1-to-1 Calls

1-to-1 Calls incur a 12% Booking Fee. 

Additionally, after this fee, Stripe, our payment processor, charges a 2.9% Transaction Fee + $0.30.

These fees are charged to the purchaser.