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Why Theatrical On Demand®?

Find out how crowdfunding your next Film Screening can help guarantee attendance and ticket sales.


Have you thought about planning a Film Screening, but worried about how many people will buy tickets? You might be asking yourself, 


“Should I invest all this time and energy into this screening? I don’t even know if I’ll make any money on it.”

“Is it worth the risk?”


Enter Theatrical on Demand®

Simply put, with Theatrical on Demand® you can gather a critical mass of your audience when they reserve tickets by pre-authorizing their credit cards so that you’ll have enough revenue to cover your costs before you GreenLight™ your event!

No more risk

No matter what film you’re screening, you can stop worrying about if you’re going to lose money or if your film will play in an empty theater.

Creating a Theatrical On Demand® Screening lets you plan and publish a 100% crowdfunded Event. 

Customize your timeline

Easily set your Screening date months ahead, so you have plenty of time to secure your Event funding. That way, you can ensure you’ll get paid for your Screening before it happens and that you’ll have enough time to prepare. 

Set your own terms

Set a ticket price that works for you and for your audience. Once your total cost is covered, all your ticketing income is profit from your Event. You can also set multiple ticket tiers to appeal to different audiences. 

Don’t lose any momentum

Choose to confirm your Event with the GreenLight™ feature any time after reaching 50% of your total cost, so you don’t lose any of your existing reservations. 

For example, if you sell enough tickets to meet 60% of your total cost, but it’s only one day before your deadline, you can take advantage of the moment and GreenLight™ your Event On Demand™. That way you don’t miss out on all the sales you made. If you think it’s likely you’ll sell the remaining 40% of tickets between your funding deadline and your Event, this is a great strategy.