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Adult, NSFW, and Other Prohibited Content
Gathr is a safe place for all users. We do not allow the promotion of certain content, be it sexual, violent or illegal in nature. As such, Gathr reserves the right to permanently ban any creator who is found to violate these terms.
Strictly prohibited content and activities include but are not limited to the following:
- Any and every form of adult content, particularly related to nudity, sexual acts and pornography; depictions including but not limited to images, video and literature
- Using the platform for funding activities mandated as illegal by laws and governmental agencies including but not limited to buying weapons, narcotics, trafficking of humans and so on.
- Gratuitous violence and gruesome content; depictions including but not limited to images, video and literature
- The buying and selling of any form of sexual services
- Activities conducted in lieu of infringing intellectual property rights, trademark, patents and so on.